Board Meeting Minuets 7/16/2017

Tri City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2017
I. Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri City Adult Hockey League at 7:00pm on July 16, 2017 at a Board members house.
II. Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Open issues
1) Sponsors
a. Who will return?
b. Dent Popper, Johnson Controls, Taco Johns
c. Thunderhead, Simps Gutter Proz
d. Chicken Coop, Dmilaco
e. Dowhy Towing
f. Storm/Viaero Center
g. Jimmy Johns
h. Kearney Ag and Auto
2) Reps
a. Thunderhead-Aaron Jech
b. Dowhy Towing-Joe Francis
c. Chicken Coop-
d. Storm-Tim Schriner
e. Dent Popper- Jeff Baughman
f. Jimmy Johns- Jared Roth

3) Rep Discounts
a. Reps were reviewed and given discounts

4) Financial Situation
a. The financial report from Jared Roth was reviewed

5) Board Member Discounts
a. Discount were reviewed

6) Kurt Langrud Technology Contract

7) Dues
a. Dues will remain the same

8) Draft
a. Location, Date (in bylaws), format, door prizes, who is in charge
b. Board is working with a couple sponsors on where and when to have it

9) Schedule
a. Ice Cost $225/hr

10) Player Levels

11) Assignment of Board Duties
a. All duties will remain the same

12) New Board Members
a. The current bylaws have multiple discrepancies on procedures to add new board members and how to elect them. The board is working to correct this.

13) Bylaw Amendments
a. We would like a more clear procedure to add new board members.
b. The board feels the bylaws need “proof read” in order to clear up issues.

Board Meeting Minuets 2/11/2017

Meeting Minuets
February 12, 2017
5:45 pm
Type of Meeting: Board Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Jeff Baughman
Invitees: Jared Roth, Jeff Baughman, Bryan Fast, Jason Peck, Bob Hock
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Absent:
IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting
V. Open issues
1) End of Year Tournament
a) Tournament starts 2/15/2017
b) 6 games will be pool play and teams will be seeded by: Record, Goals for, Least PIMS, Goals against
c) Last 3 games will be 5v6 4v3 1v2
d) We will try to get the “trophy” games will be march 5th at 4:45 (6v5), 6:15(5v4), 7:45(1v2)
2) Hans voting
a) Put out ballot
b) Paper or digital?
i) Ballots will be paper handed out at the games
3) Collections
4) Reps returning
a) Dustin Schutt (Chicken Coop) –Will return
b) Joe Francis (Dowhy Towing)- Will return
c) Aaron Jesch (Thunderhead)- Will Return
d) Cole Chandler (Storm)- Will Return
e) Jared Roth-Will not return
f) Jeff Baughman- Will not return
5) Board members joining/leaving
a) Bob Hock- Returing
b) Jason Peck-Returning
c) Jared Roth-Returning
d) Bryan Fast- returning*
e) Jeff Baughman- returning*
f) *- if more than 2 league members want to join the board these members spots must be voted in due to 2 year terms.
6) Late payment structure
7) Adjournment

Board Meeting Minuets 1/22/2017

Meeting Minuets
January 22, 2017
5:45 pm
Type of Meeting: Board Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Jeff Baughman
Invitees: Jared Roth, Jeff Baughman, Bryan Fast, Jason Peck, Bob Hock
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Jason Peck Absent (Work)
IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting
V. Open issues
1) End of the season tournament
a) The league will do an end of season tournament.
b) The last 3 games will be used for 6v5 4v3 and 1v2
c) The 6 games before that will be used as round robin for seeding placement
2) Diana Ross Memorial
a) The board is waiting on information to make a memorial
3) Player dues
a) Players that are delinquent will be notified
4) Insurance
a) The board will begin the evaluation process to detrimin the pros and cons of UHU insurance vs USA Hockey
5) Pro Rating
a) The board has a new system in place using 4 steps to “pro rate” players leaving. But a flaw has been exposed in using this system for players joining the league after draft.
b) The board will rework this system this summer.
VI. Adjournment