
Article 1: Name, Mission, League Philosophy

Section 1 Name

Tri-City Adult Hockey League ( TCAHL) is a recreational adult hockey league in Kearney, Nebraska. All TCAHL games are played at the Viaero Events Center (VEC) located at 609 Platte Road, Kearney, NE.

Section 2 Mission Statement

TCAHL strives to support and develop hockey here in the heartland. To that end we encourage you to forward the information to others who may be interested in playing, new players and/or seasoned players!

Section 3 League Philosophy

The philosophy of the Tri-City Adult Hockey League is to promote adult ice hockey for players of all skill levels in a competitive and organized environment; to foster camaraderie, friendship, and physical fitness; to establish and maintain an enjoyable and recreational ice hockey league within the tri-cities.

Article 2: Organizational Structure

This not-for-profit organization was created to represent the adult hockey players in Kearney, Nebraska. We have no direct affiliation with any rink outside of our season ice contracts. TCAHL Executive Board consists of no more than 8 members in good standing and must be participating in current season. The board members are compensated for their work with our organization. Board members who have served more than 5 years are to pay $125 league due, and board members who have served less than 5 years are to pay $175 league dues. This discount is not guaranteed, and is visited before the start of every year. All members have a voice in this organization and are encouraged to take an active role by volunteering for office or league committees when the opportunities arise. Board member terms are 2 years, the potential foe a league member vote (if more than 7 nominations) will occur the end of the season. Candidates will be reviewed by the current board and must not have behaved in a manner detrimental to the TCAHL in as viewed by the current board.

Section 1 Board responsibilities

All board tasks will be split among the current TCAHL Executive Board. Some board tasks may or may not be assigned to only one board member for the season.

These tasks may include but are not limited to:

  • Treasurer
  • Team Representative Liaison
  • Secretary
  • League Liability Waiver Registrar
  • Scheduling
  • Referee in Chief
  • Goalie Scheduling
  • Player payments Collections
  • Merchandising
  • Drills and Skills Organizer
  • Team Pictures
  • Tournament Organizing
  • Marketing
  • Game stats

Section 2 Quorum

A quorum of TCAHL Executive Board is needed to make decisions during meetings. Quorums are defined as the current number of board members present at the meeting(s) called and may or may not consist of 4 board members. A majority vote is still needed to pass any motion submitted to the board

Section 3 TCAHL Executive Board Code of Conduct

[Excerpts taken from USA Hockey 2014-2017 Rulebook: Administrator’s Code of Conduct but TCAHL is not governed by USA Hockey]

  • 1. Follow the rules and regulations of USA Hockey and your association to ensure that the association’s philosophy and objectives are enhanced.
  • 2. Support programs that train and educate players, coaches, parents, officials and volunteers.
  • 3. Promote and publicize your programs; seek out financial support when possible.
  • 4. Communicate with players by holding player orientation meetings as well as by being available to answer questions and address problems throughout the season.
  • 5. Work to provide programs that encompass fairness to the participants and promote fair play and sportsmanship.
  • 6. Encourage officials to attend USA Hockey clinics
  • 7. Make every possible attempt to provide everyone, at all skill levels, with a place to play.
  • 8. The TCAHL encourages every member to read and be familiar with the contents of the USA Hockey Annual Guide and USA Hockey’s official playing rules.
  • 9. Work with other board members to complete all tasks needed for successful season

Section 4 TCAHL Executive Board Disciplinary Proceedings

All executive board members will follow the TCAHL Executive Board Code of Conduct, participate in board meetings and help the other board members in completing board tasks. An Executive Board Disciplinary meeting may be called by remaining board members to redistribute workload and/or to determine continued board participation of board member under review. A majority vote will be needed in order for any board member to be removed from his/her position on the board. Actions detrimental to the TCAHL and actions out of the ordinary are ground to be removed as a board member or invalidate a potential candidate for the executive board.


Section 1 Eligibility Restrictions

All players must be at least 18 years of age by birthday to be eligible to play in the TCAHL hockey league. TCAHL reserves the right to deny eligibility to play in games based on past on-ice or off- ice misconduct that resulted in suspensions and ejection from league. TCAHL also reserves the right to evaluate the skill level of a player to determine eligibility for league play.

TCAHL will evaluate new players with past hockey experience above current hockey experience level in league based on these set factors:

  • 1. Age
  • 2. Player conduct on and off Ice
  • 3. Safety to other players
  • 4. Skewing of skill range of league
  • 5. Unfair advantage to 1 team over the others

Section 2 Season Registration

TCAHL Executive Board will set the registration fees based on league expenses only and may or may not change each season. Online registration is the preferred method of registration. All members wishing to join and participate in TCAHL must also sign a League Liability Waiver and must be done prior to the first game played . Every player must register for the upcoming TCAHL season, previous registrations will not be carried over. If any player needs any assistance registering online for TCAHL due to lack of computer access, etc., he/she can contact any of the board members for help. The TCAHL Executive Board will help with registration of any player who doesn’t have access to online registration.

Section 3 TCAHL Player Dues

Payment guidelines are set annually by the TCAHL Executive Board.
Part (a) Payments:
Currently there is a Goalie Only Discount, Board member discount, and Team Representative discount in place. There are payment plans available. All players are expected to pay to play, however the board recognizes that situations may happen where special arrangements may need to be made for payments. A player may set up these arrangements with the TCAHL Treasurer and/or designated board member. If a player cannot come to terms or is in serious default as judged by the TCAHL collections board member that player will be suspended from playing and subbing until the player is current on their dues.
Part (b) Late Fee:
$100 late registration fee will be assessed for players registering after League Draft Day who played in the previous TCAHL season. No late fee for those who registered after draft that are new players to the league and/or played 2 or more seasons ago in TCAHL. Any late fees will be reviewed by the executive board on a case by case basis and may or may not be applied.
Part (c) Refunds:
Automatic refunds will not be made for any reason. This includes dissatisfaction with the league , injuries, and relocation,; this also includes but is not limited to any league sanction suspension or expulsion. In all cases the TCAHL Executive Board will review the request and determine if a refund is appropriate. Refunds will never be given if the reason for no longer being able to play is due to expulsion from TCAHL. Any request for a refund must be presented to the TCAHL Executive Board in writing and if a refund is to be given it will not be issued until the end of the last contest of the TCAHL season, tournament included.

Part (d) Dues cover:

  • 1. Team Ice times
  • 2. Jersey
  • 3. Referees
  • 4. Scorekeepers (paid $10 a game)
  • 5. Player and Team stats for the Pointstreak program
  • 6. Names of the League Sportsmanship Team engraved on the “Han Alpsteg Memorial Cup”.


Section 1: Equipment

Part (a) Required Equipment any equipment deemed unsafe by a referee or instructor will not be allowed

  • Helmet with chin strap
  • Ice Hockey Skates
  • Hockey Stick

Part (b) Recommended Equipment

  • Hockey Gloves
  • Elbow pads
  • Shoulder pads
  • Shin Guards
  • Groin Protection
  • Hockey pants

Section 2 TCAHL Ice Time

Part (a) Regular season

    • Ice times will be 60 to 75 Minute. The viability of a season end tournament will be revied on a year by year basis and is not guaranteed. [based on contract with arena and subject to change in future according to arena policy]:

Section 3 League Parity

At registration each player will rate their level of hockey experience; Beginner, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4. The TCAHL Board reserves the right to evaluate and place players in their appropriate skill class. The parity of our league will be based upon the equal distribution of talent amongst the participating teams. Parity will also be balanced by an individuals’ desire to play a particular position along with requests to play with acquaintances when driving distance is a factor ONLY.

Section 4 Team Selection

Teams will be selected by way of a draft for all skill levels of players. The draft will be conducted in a round selection process. The draft will continue until all players are assigned to a team. All players are in an “open” draft. Some considerations will be made if players who live out of the county will be traveling together. Married players may or may not play on the same team; consideration will be given based on their preference. The TCAHL Executive Board reserves the right to lock league at any time if parity has been achieved. Efforts will be made to get all new players involved as soon as possible. The draft will be held annually in the 3rd week of September.

Section 5 Team Rosters

One key to having fun in the TCAHL is equal playing time for all players. The number of teams participating in present season will be based on the total number of players that register. Each team will ideally have 10 skaters and an assigned goalie. The number of skaters on a team may vary based on the total number of skaters eligible to play during that current season. TCAHL Executive Board will mandate the minimum number and max number of players per team as needed for the season.

Section 6 Team Uniformity

It’s required that all players wear matching team jerseys. Team uniforms will be provided. When participating in a League sponsored game you must wear your specific team uniform. This rule will not apply to subs on a team that doesn’t have enough league issued jerseys.

Section 7 Substitutions

If players are unable to attend scheduled game they are expected to notify their Team Rep of the need for a replacement and/or the player replacing them. Substitutions should be coordinated through the Team Rep who will replace players based on skill levels. No player can sub for the same team two contests in a row.


Players must abide by ALL TCAHL rules and rulings. All players are expected to follow the code of conduct.

Section 1 Player’s Code of Conduct

      • 1. Play for fun.
      • 2. Work hard to improve your skills.
      • 3. Be a team player – get along with your teammates.
      • 4. Learn teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline.
      • 5. Be on time.
      • 6. Learn the rules and play by them. Always be a good sport.
      • 7. Respect your teammates, opponents and officials.
      • 8. Never argue with an official’s decision.

Section 2 Officials

All referees are expected to follow the ON-Ice Official’s Code of Conduct when officiating games and acting in capacity of an official.

Section 1 TCAHL Officials Code of Conduct

[Taken from USA Hockey 2014-2017 Rulebook: Code of Conduct]

      • 1. Act in a professional and businesslike manner at all times and take your role seriously.
      • 2. Strive to provide a safe and sportsmanlike environment in which players can properly display their hockey skills.
      • 3. Know all playing rules, their interpretations and their proper application.
      • 4. Remember that officials are teachers. Set a good example.
      • 5. Make your calls with quiet confidence; never with arrogance.
      • 6. Manage and help to control games in cooperation with the captains to provide a positive and safe experience for all participants.
      • 7. Violence must never be tolerated.
      • 8. Be fair and impartial at all times.
      • 9. Answer all reasonable questions and requests.
      • 10. Adopt a “zero tolerance” attitude toward verbal or physical abuse.
      • 11. Never use foul or vulgar language when speaking with a player or referee.
      • 12. Use honesty and integrity when answering questions.
      • 13. Admit your mistakes when you make them.
      • 14. Never openly criticize a team rep, captain, player or fellow official.
      • 15. Keep your emotions under control.
      • 16. Use USA Hockey-approved officiating techniques and policies.
      • 17. Maintain your health through a physical conditioning program.
      • 18. Dedicate yourself to personal improvement and maintenance of officiating skills.
      • 19. Respect your supervisor and his/her critique of your performance.

Section 2 Disciplinary action

Part (a) Players Suspensions to expulsion without refund possible for poor on or off ice conduct. All player conduct will be evaluated by using current USA Hockey Rulebook and TCAHL Rules and Regulations. All disciplinary actions will be decided via a special board meeting, TCAHL Executive Board will make all rulings and notify player of decision electronically and/or via written form.

Part (b) Referees There will be possible disciplinary actions to referees who are not following USA Hockey handbook and Officials Code of Conduct. This may include loss of games up to being removed as referee from all further TCAHL scheduled games. The Director of Officials and TCAHL Executive Board will hold a special meeting as needed to determine disciplinary actions; otherwise it will be based on the decision of the Director of Officials.

Section 3 TCAHL Rules, Regulations and Points of Emphasis

The TCAHL is a non-checking, body contact recreational adult league that follows the most current USA Hockey rules except where the TCAHL Executive Board has mandated exceptions to said rules. TCAHL Executive Board may mandate rules differing from the USA Hockey standards for added safety of players. Referees will call all penalties based on the Rules and Regulations given by the TCAHL Executive Board and in conjunction with the official USA Hockey Rule Book. These league regulations can be found in the League Rules and Regulations are available online at website.
Current USA Hockey Rule books are available online at

Section 4 TCAHL and USA Hockey Points of Emphasis

[Taken from USA Hockey 2014-2017 Rulebook: Points of Emphasis 2011 Through 2013 Seasons]

The goal of USA Hockey is to promote a safe and positive playing environment for all participants while continuing to focus on skill development and enjoyment of the sport. All officials, team reps, captains, players, parents, spectators and volunteers are encouraged to observe these “Points of Emphasis” when participating in the sport of ice hockey.

Part (a) Fair Play and Respect
Fair play and respect are the backbone of any successful amateur sports program. In order for a positive environment to be created, it is imperative that all participants and spectators have respect for all players, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators and the sport of hockey. Hockey is a game demanding high levels of concentration and skill. Taunting or unsportsmanlike conduct directed at opponents or officials will not be tolerated.

Part (b) Intimidation tactics have no place in ice hockey. These tactics include any contact to the head of the opponent, checking from behind and late avoidable body checks to an opponent who is no longer in possession and control of the puck. Officials are instructed to enforce these rules to a high standard and assess the appropriate penalty when these actions occur. In addition, officials are expected to strictly enforce any avoidable contact occurring after the whistle – including during scrum situations around the goal.

Part (c) Body Contact In non-check classifications, legal body contact shall be allowed and players allowed to compete using proper body position skills. However, any deliberate body checks shall be penalized accordingly. If a body check is delivered for the purpose of intimidation, a major penalty should be assessed to the offending player.

Part (d) Players are encouraged to develop a deep sense of respect for all (opponents and officials) while endeavoring to enjoy the sport and improve their playing ability. Each player is expected to use proper skill and technique when engaging in any type of body contact.

Part (e) Team Reps and Captains are responsible for instructing their players to play the sport in a safe and sportsmanlike manner. To that end, coaches are directed to teach only those skills necessary to allow for proper and legal body contact. Team reps will be evaluated by the board on an annual basis, and given a discount on the next seasons dues. The discount shall not exceed $100 and are dependent on the financial situation of the TCAHL. If a team rep is a board member they may not have both discounts.

Part (f) Officials should be diligent and confident when officiating the sport. Each official should enforce all playing rules fairly and respectfully with the safety of the players and the best interest of the game in mind. Players must be held accountable for dangerous and illegal actions with the proper enforcement of the rules at all times.

Part (g) Spectators are encouraged to support their teams while showing respect for all players, coaches, officials and other spectators.

Hockey should be enjoyed by all participants. To that end, all participants and spectators should observe a level of personal behavior that demonstrates respect for all. The USA Hockey Officiating and Coaching Education programs will continue to increase awareness among all officials and coaches with regard to these Points of Emphasis and the Standard of Play and Rule Enforcement.


Section 1 TCAHL Game Referees

Referee interpretations of calls will always be backed by TCAHL Executive Board. Any mistakes by referees will be handled in the manner the referees involved deem as most fair for both teams. All suspensions and major penalties will be decided by the TCAHL Executive Board. All parties involved will be given a chance to write a letter to the board discussing the player’s conduct. TCAHL follows USA Hockey Zero Tolerance Policy.

Section 2 Zero Tolerance Policy

In an effort to make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, USA Hockey instituted a zero tolerance policy. This policy requires all players, coaches, officials, team officials and administrators and parents/spectators to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all USA Hockey-sanctioned games.

Thus, the following points of emphasis must be implemented by all referees and linesmen:
Part (a) Players
A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (zero tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player:

      • 1) Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
      • 2) Uses obscene or vulgar language at any time, including any swearing, even if it is not directed at a particular person.
      • 3) Visually demonstrates any sign of dissatisfaction with an official’s decision.

Any time that a player persists in any of these actions, they shall be assessed a misconduct penalty. A game misconduct shall result if the player continues such action.

Part (b) Officials
Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, impartial and constructive manner at all times. The actions of an official must be above reproach. Actions such as “baiting” or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited.
Officials are ambassadors of the game and must always conduct themselves with this responsibility in mind.

Part (c) Parents/Spectators
The game will be stopped by game officials when parents/spectators displaying inappropriate and disruptive behavior interfere with other spectators or the game. The game officials will identify violators to the coaches for the purpose of removing parents/spectators from the spectator’s viewing and game area. Once removed, play will resume. Lost time will not be replaced and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action by the local governing body.

This inappropriate and disruptive behavior shall include:

      • Use of obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.
      • Taunting of players, coaches, officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threat of physical violence or physical violence.
      • Throwing of any object in the spectators viewing area, players bench, penalty box or on ice surface, directed in any manner as to create a safety hazard.

Section 3 Penalties

The TCAHL follows most USA Hockey penalty guidelines with the exception of: A player who receives three penalties in any contest will be removed immeditaly and their penalties will be reviewed by the Referee in Chief

Part (d) Major Penalties: No one player can receive more than on major penalty per season. Player suspensions will be decided by the TCAHL Executive Board. The 2nd major penalty assessed to a player in a season will result in league expulsion and forfeiture of all league fees. There will be no appeal or recourse process.

All suspensions and major penalties will be decided by the TCAHL Executive Board. All parties involved will be given a chance to write a letter to the TCAHL executive board discussing player(s) conduct.

Section 3 Conflict Resolution and Chain of Command

If a player wants to discuss a call made during a game or other differences of opinions, it will be the Captains and/or the Team Reps job to counsel the teams player(s) and attempt to resolve the issues. Players may ask for interpretations of referee’s calls, it is up to each official how detailed they want to get or if they wish to discuss it at all. Arguing a call can lead to a penalties starting with minor penalties up to game misconduct ejection depending on the player’s lack of respect and method of arguing. The TCAHL Executive Board will always listen to players who request a meeting if they have concerns of officials.

A Captain must be named every game. If the referee feels that the player named will not respectfully converse or will incite negative feelings on his team’s bench, then the referees will have the right to ask for another Captain on that team. If a player is refused as a captain by the officials, another player will be named who meets referees’ standards.

Referees, Scorekeepers, League staff will not discuss game situations or league issues with any player other that the Captains and assistants on the ice during, or immediately after a game. Team Captains may make a request for a review of a situation off the ice via email within 24 hours of the incident. Any player that confronts an official regarding penalties or league issues, or sanctions on or off the ice will be subject to severe penalties and suspensions. This is the Captains’ right and responsibility. Players asking for a simple explanation for their penalty will be tolerated as long as it remains respectful and is in a manner to better educate the player for future play.


These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new By-Laws may be adopted at the annual meeting beginning the new season or special meeting of TCAHL Executive Board by a majority vote of board member. No amendment shall be eligible for presentation at a meeting unless it has been submitted to the TCAHL Executive Board at least thirty (30) days prior to such meeting or published at least fourteen (14) days prior to such meeting.

Changes to the Rules and Regulations of the TCAHL must be voted on by the TCAHL Executive Board and passed by a majority vote.

Bylaws reviewed and ratified July 2015.



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