Board Meeting Minuets 11/29/15

Tri City Adult Hockey League

Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2015

  • Call to order


Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri City Adult Hockey League at 5:00 on November 29, 2015 at The Viaero Event Center.

  • Roll call


Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Jared Roth, Dave Wieler, Randie May, Bryan Fast, Becca Kern, REPS: Cole Chandler, Aaron Jesch, ABSENT: Matt Nickerson, Jake Strawhecker

  • Approval of minutes from last meeting


Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

  • Open issues


  1. Game Times Moving Back
  2. Jeff wanted to know why the games were moved back
  3. Arenas response was so they could sell an hour of ice time before our games start.
  4. We will continue to try to get the games moved to earlier.
  5. Do we want alcohol sold at TCAHL events
  6. We will put out a new waiver that will address this issue
  • New business


  1. Team Reorginization
  2. Motion:
  3. Storm) Cody Leopld to Fanatics
  4. Storm) Matt Kollars to Thunderhead
  5. Fanatics) Justin Fawley to Storm

Fanatics) Tim Schriner to Storm

  1. Thunderhead) Steven Cote To Fanatics

Passed: 7-0


Chris Limbach will be moved to a level 2

Passed: 7-0


Joey Desimone will be moved to a level 3

Passed: 5-1

Jeff will let the players know and update the sub list

  1. Season End Tourney
  2. We are trying to get ice time set up for two Sundays.
  3. Dowhy and Roth will trade one game so RLC doesn’t have 3 weeks off
  4. Schedule Update
  5. Games will continue to be moved in order to get on the ice earlier
  6. Current schedule online is up to date
  • Adjournment


Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 6:35.

Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman

Minutes approved by: Jeff Baughman