Tri City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2015
- Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri City Adult Hockey League at 5:00 on November 29, 2015 at The Viaero Event Center.
- Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Jared Roth, Dave Wieler, Randie May, Bryan Fast, Becca Kern, REPS: Cole Chandler, Aaron Jesch, ABSENT: Matt Nickerson, Jake Strawhecker
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
- Open issues
- Game Times Moving Back
- Jeff wanted to know why the games were moved back
- Arenas response was so they could sell an hour of ice time before our games start.
- We will continue to try to get the games moved to earlier.
- Do we want alcohol sold at TCAHL events
- We will put out a new waiver that will address this issue
- New business
- Team Reorginization
- Motion:
- Storm) Cody Leopld to Fanatics
- Storm) Matt Kollars to Thunderhead
- Fanatics) Justin Fawley to Storm
Fanatics) Tim Schriner to Storm
- Thunderhead) Steven Cote To Fanatics
Passed: 7-0
Chris Limbach will be moved to a level 2
Passed: 7-0
Joey Desimone will be moved to a level 3
Passed: 5-1
Jeff will let the players know and update the sub list
- Season End Tourney
- We are trying to get ice time set up for two Sundays.
- Dowhy and Roth will trade one game so RLC doesn’t have 3 weeks off
- Schedule Update
- Games will continue to be moved in order to get on the ice earlier
- Current schedule online is up to date
- Adjournment
Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 6:35.
Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman
Minutes approved by: Jeff Baughman