Minutes 8/27/2014

Tri-City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
August 27th, 2014
1) Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri-City Adult Hockey League at Chicken Coop at 7:15 p.m.
2) Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Donald Roeder, Dave Weiler, BJ Simpson, Randie May, Jeff Baughman, Kurt Langrud, Kent Reynolds Approval of minutes from last meeting
Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
3) Open issues
a) Player Leveling
i) All players that are registered are now leveled
b) Team Reps
i) Dent Popper
(1) Jared Roth
ii) Old Chicago
(1) Sam Axmann/(Jeff Baughman after talking with Sam)
iii) Chicken Coop
(1) Jason Peck
iv) Thunderhead
(1) Aaron Jesch
v) Ice Ice Babies
(1) Cole Chandler
vi) Homeward Trail
(1) Jake Geist to rep pending approval.
vii) Rep discount from last year
(1) Aaron Jesch will receive max discount.
c) Goalie/Outskate same player
i) Rotate 5 goalies
ii) Use BJ Simpson and Derek Goodell for subs
d) Score Keepers
i) We will keep Lauren May as our only scorekeeper.
e) POI Update
i) Dave Talked to youth league about the first weekend in March.
ii) March 7th and 8th is looking it will be open.
iii) We have second shot on the weekend, if the youth league doesn’t use it.
4) Adjournment
Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 9:12 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman
Minutes approved by: Donald Roeder