Minutes 8/14/2014

Tri-City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
October 14th, 2014
1) Call to order
a) Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri-City Adult Hockey League at Thunderhead at 7:15 p.m.
2) Roll call
a) Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Randie May, Dave Weiler, Cole Chandler, Jared Roth, Jeff Baughman Approval of minutes from last meeting
b) Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
3) Open issues
a) 8th Team
i) At this point the league can’t financially afford to add ice times without new members.
ii) It will be revisited at the beginning of the year.
b) Fielding phone calls as a board member
i) Board members are tying too much time into phone calls
ii) Divert non important issues to emails
iii) Motion- Assign a board member to each rep to directly to communicate with. Passed 5-1
(a) Chicken Coop- Dave Weiler
(b) Dent Popper- Donald Roeder
(c) Roth Lawn Care- BJ Simpson
(d) Thunderhead-Randie May
(e) Homeward Trail- Jeff Baughman
(f) Old Chicago- Jared Roth
(g) Ice Ice Babies- Cole Chandler
(h) Email will be sent to reps
c) Player Evaluation
i) Move a Level 4 off of Dent Popper?
(1) Austin Lowery will be moved to Ice Ice Babies, Andrew Norris will be moved to Homeward Trail. PENDING -WILL LET REPS KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
ii) Dan McCoy- Moved to a level 2
(1) Motioned- Passed 5-0
iii) Andrew Norris-Move to a Level 3
(1) Motion- Passed -5-0
iv) Tyler Crookshank- Move to Level 2
(1) Motioned- Passed 5-0
d) Player Conduct
i) Players will sign a conduct code document as put forth by USA Hockey. This will become a yearly document. Effective immediately
ii) Passed 6-0
iii) Dave will handle this
e) Rep Evaluation
i) Format will be drafted.
f) Board Confidentiality and Precipitation
i) Members do not need to know how each board member votes
g) Update of Current Board Duties
i) Website needs update with Rep liaison and assistant will be eliminated and assistant.
h) Roth VS Dent Popper
i) One team will wear a purple jersey.
i) Slap shot rule
i) What is the difference between shoulder and full?
ii) Go to full to eliminate judgment call for the referees.
iii) Motion- Go to full slap shot for a “probationary period” to be revisited the end of November Passed 4-2
j) Puck replacement
i) We need to get into our new pucks.
4) Adjournment
a) Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
b) Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman
c) Minutes approved by: Jared Roth