Minutes 07/09/14

Tri-City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
July 9th, 2014
I. Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri-City Adult Hockey League at 7:00 pm at Thunderhead Brewery
II. Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Dave Weiler, BJ Simpson, Randie May, Donald Roeder, Jared Roth, Jeff Baughman.
Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
III. Open issues
IV. Lynn Brewster donation of $1800 to the TCAHL ( will go through Randie May)
V. Doodle Poll Results
VI. Dave will email league to remind members.
VII. Point streak
VIII. We will email threat Kurt with any questions we have and make a decision there after.
IX. Jersey discussion
X. We will go through Kamatzu like we did last year.
XI. Tasha Ashcwege cannot match Jersey price
XII. We Will ask her about screen printing.
XIII. Storm Schedule
XIV. Need to look over for POI
XV. Look at “off night”
XVI. Discussion With Storm Meeting
XVII. No word from Greg
XVIII. Dave will get POI date ready to present.
XIX. Talk about a digital clock to put up to keep track of time.
XX. Treasury Transfer update
XXI. Jared is New Treasure and Dave is assistant.

XXII. Discussion of duties
XXIII. Postponed
XXIV. Registration Opening
XXV. Registration will open the 20th
XXVI. Draft Friday August 29th 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
XXVII. BJ will check with the VFW
XXVIII. Referees
XXIX. Must be USA hockey certified once every 2 years.
XXX. After that must be TCAHL certified.
XXXI. The board will reserve the right to decline new referees
XXXII. Dave and Randie will work on wording to Put to vote on if we want refs to be USA Hockey Certified
XXXIII. Look into identifying the championship trophy (Jared will Take care of)
XXXV. Dave will look up and get back to board.
XXXVI. Scorekeepers
XXXVII. Do we need to bring on a total of 2 scorekeepers because of pointstreak
XXXVIII. Adjournment
Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman
Minutes approved by: Donald Roeder

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