Tri City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2015
I. Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri City Adult Hockey League at 7:00 on August 5, 2015 at Thunderhead.
II. Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Randie May, Bj Simpson, Jeff Baughman, Dave Weiler, Rebecca Kern, Bryan Fast, and Jake Strawhecker
III. Open issues
IV. Mark McLaughlin vote
V. Mark Coaches football and received a pro-rated due last year. Will we do the same thing this year?
VI. Dave will contact Mark with what the board discussed.
VII. Registration update
VIII. Everything is going smoothly
IX. Rep Compensation and team assignment
X. Cole Returning- Fanatics
XI. Aaron Returning-Thunderhead
XII. Jake Returning-Homeward Trail
XIII. Jared Returning- Roth Lawn Care/Simps Gutter Proz
XIV. Jeff Returning- Dent Popper/Replays
XV. Matt Returning- Dowhy Towing and Recovery
XVI. Kern Statistical Services- Goalies
XVII. Dave Weiler- Chicken Coop
XVIII. If we have a 7th team Dave will rep it
XIX. Schedule update
XX. Motion to start the league the 3rd week in September from here going forward.
XXI. BJ met with Arena, Season starts September 20th ending around the 20th of March
XXII. New player evaluations in dropins will be sponsored by Doodles and Dollies up to $200
XXIII. Bylaw Ratification
XXIV. Board members will go through with finalization changes
XXV. Sponsor report
XXVI. Roth Lawn Care, Dowhy Towing and Recovery, Fanatics, Dent Popper, Thunderhead, Homeward Trail, Chicken Coop, Kern Statistical Services
XXVII. Diana Cook Memorial Trophy
XXVIII. Picture of Diana Cook will be on the trophy
XXIX. Will be presented to the most overall improved player each year
XXX. Jared will start looking for a trophy at a reasonable cost.
XXXI. Goalie rotation and parity
XXXII. Issue is still open
XXXIII. Board member organization
XXXIV. Issue is still open
XXXV. A word from Jeff
XXXVI. Jeff Would like to make Dent Popper Hockey shirts with the TCAHL logo on them, for his team to buy with no profit.
XXXVII. The board will not allow the logo to be used unless a team shirt is offered to every team at the same cost.
XXXVIII. Adjournment
Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 9:00.
Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman