Board Meeting Minuets 11/8/15

Tri City Adult Hockey League

Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2015

  • Call to order


Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri City Adult Hockey League at 5:07 pm on November 8, 2015 at Viaero Event Center.

  • Roll call


Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Dave Weiler, Bryan Fast, Randie May, Jared Roth (Late), Jake Strawhecker (Late), Bj Simpson (Late), Rebecca Kern (Absent).

  • Approval of minutes from last meeting


Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Approved

  • Open issues


  1. Goalie Flip and Parity
  2. The coin
  3. Motion: We will place the higher rated of the 2 goalies on the lower team in the standings team. Passed 6-0
  4. VEC Alcohol Policy
  5. Dave will draft a letter to our players informing them of our policy and attach the Viaero Event Center policy.
  6. Board will approve it before it is sent out.
  7. Board Agenda Items
  8. Jeff will create an email chain to send your items to.
  9. Games without Start times
  10. Dave is working on the issue and will get it corrected
  11. Giles Tursey wanting to play goalie
  12. He wants to join after Christmas
  13. He did not play in the TCAHL last year and is in good standing with the TCAHL
  14. Board Member Conduct
  15. Board members need to treat each other with respect in emails and in meetings.
  • Adjournment


Jeff Baughman adjourned the meeting at 6:05 pm.

Minutes submitted by: Jeff Baughman

Minutes approved by: Jared Randy Roth