Board Meeting Minuets 8/2/2017

Tri City Adult Hockey League
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2017
I. Call to order
Jeff Baughman called to order the regular meeting of the Tri City Adult Hockey League at 8:10pm on August 2, 2017 at a Board members house.
II. Roll call
Jeff Baughman conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Jeff Baughman, Jason Peck, Bob Hock, and Bryan Fast.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Jeff Baughman read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Open issues
1) Bylaw Amendments
a. The bylaws are riddled with discrepancies in multiple sections.
b. The board feels that the bylaws are too word and filled with redundant statements.
c. The bylaws were amended and a final draft will be posted for league members to review for the 14 day period per current bylaws.
2) Player Requests
a. Jeff Baughman has requested that his brother plays on his team (Dent Popper) for this season.
i. Tabled
b. A player has requested to play both out skater and goalie
i. Will the player be able to switch from goalie to out skater and vise versa?
ii. Player would have to pay full dues on both memberships
iii. Player would have to goalie for their team when the goalie schedule lines up that way.
iv. Player must abide all of the stipulations put forth by the board.
v. Player will be notified of the stipulations and get back to the board.

Minuets reviewed and approved By Bob Hock

The league was donated a new laptop and all documents had to be switched over to the new one. That is the reason that the minuets were not posted immediately following the last 2 board meetings

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